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It's been more than a decade since I stumbled on the science behind gratitude.  It was a game changer in my life and when I published Thank You Power- Making the SCIENCE of Gratitude Work for YOU it helped millions of people in countries around the world understand how gratitude could make meaningful differences in their lives.  This latest volume in the Chicken Soup series is filled with proof  that it works.  


Co-author with Amy Newmark and I had a blast reading through hundreds of stories that made US feel good and we picked the 101 that we are sure will life YOUR spirits too.  How can you not feel good when you hear the story of the lady who was let go from her job, but was so gracious as she got the news that her manager almost immediately recommended her for another job immediately.  That's just one of the little jewels in this treasure. 

Learn about the science of gratitude and see its power in action.  Whether you want to say thank you to someone or see how gratitude can make a difference in your life, you'll find The Power of Gratitude is a book you'll be glad you got. 

Happy Reading....

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